Tuesday, June 10, 2014

May 12, 2014

hello people of earth:
this week we had some sick lessons! my favourite was with the Esthers and Maggdelina our friends from nigeria, and we had a family home evening at their house! we had a cookie recipe where all the ingredients were scripture references, and in these scriptures they could find the ingredients ex: 1/2 cup of Psalms 119:103 Honey. and then we had all the ingredients, and we said, look at these good ingredients! now lets take all the ingredients we found in the book of mormon out. would our cookies be good? maybe! maybe not, but there would be some flavors missing! just like how we cant bake cookies without the book of mormon we also cant make a church without the book of mormon and modern revelation! then we played "don't eat Pete" and you have like 15 candies and you send someone out of the room, you pick which candy is pete, then the person comes back in and picks candy until they get to pete then they don't get any more candies. yes, a childish game, but we had two 3 year olds, a 5 year old and a bunch of ladies, so it was find. normally its called don't eat pete, but they couldn't say pete well, so we changed it to "don't eat fatsmatsa" cause thats a popular nigerian name apparently! it was actually so fun. none of you can even comprehend how competitive that game got! so good! :)
also, this week we got a car! so thats only like the best news cause the public transportation here SUUUUCKS so bad. so now we are like 200% more efficient!
we also did some sick exchanges this week! double exchange in Caen, so we were there from thursday afternoon to saturday afternoon, our lesson count was a little down but we helped the other elders out and we got to know them better and just had a sick few days! we woke up early on saturday and played basketball which was so much fun, we also played soccer too which is not as cool, but i had a pretty dang good time! haven't played soccer since like 2nd grade! :P
OH! and at church i over heard Anne Marie talking to a member and say how much she felt the truth there, and she said quietly to an investigator who is going to be baptized soon "good luck at your baptism, maybe soon you'll be coming to mine!" so that was sweeeeeeet! :) very very excited for her. oh, and our 67 year old investigator bought elder Christiansen and i matching berets. like, not gross sideways ones, but like, brimmed berets. so classy! i got a haircut today! and that pretty much my week in a nutshell! :)
Can't think of anything inspirational or super motivating for this week, so instead, Stay Classy.
Elder Kaden Cutiepants Oviatt

first: france thought it would be cool to build cement ping pong tables all over, and it is. they are in pretty much every park and outside every apartment complex. ive always liked them, but never got around to taking a picture of one!
second: first person ive seen in france who actually wore a floppy beret! also, dat sweater doe.

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