Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 14, 2014

so yeah! totes forgot to write a general email, i know its early but e are going with a member to check out the beautiful coast and lighthouses with some members... some highlights??? Marco accepted a baptismal date during the same lesson we taught the word of wisdom(hes a smoker and a heavy coffee drinker) so like, hes legit. super pumped! :) also, and we did alot fo porting. sorry i suck! but heres a little tid-bit of our beautiful ocean and why my email sucks this week!
if its any consolation i love you... <3

"How can each of us become such a significant influence? We must be sure to sincerely love those we want to help in righteousness so they can begin to develop confidence in God’s love. For so many in the world, the first challenge in accepting the gospel is to develop faith in a Father in Heaven, who loves them perfectly. It is easier to develop that faith when they have friends or family members who love them in a similar way."
—Richard G. Scott, "I Have Given You an Example"

Elder Sucky-Email-Writer Oviatt

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