Wednesday, January 7, 2015

December 29, 2014

hello hello! this week was so good! we had so many cool miracles and had a great christmas!

on monday we ate at an "investigators" house, they arent really investigating the church, but they arent members. they are just a nice family that wanted to have us for dinner! :) it was pretty good!

tuesday we had our district meeting, that was super good, a few awkward moments, but it was good! we taught a family we found a week ago and it went very well, talked about the meaning of christmas and shared a good time! we also taught Bouchaïb, one of our progressing investigators, he is really slow, but he is gettin in gear and really seeing the point of it all (we hope)

wednesday was good, we wandered a bit, handed out all of our special christmas contacting cards cause it was our last chance :P and we dropped by bouchaïb again to give him some cookies! :) then we watched Kung Fu Panda, it was hilarious :P haha then we went to another not really an investigator, just a nice familys hous to eat and have a good evening! while we were there santa came and gave us al presents! that was a glorious surprise! :P haha---well he didnt really come, we all went outside to search for him and while we were running around the neighborhood he stopped by and left all the presents! it was an interesting way to do christmas!

thursday we woke up at 6 with anxiousness, then went to bed and woke up at 8 (nothing has changed :P ) we opened our presents ate at 2 members houses, had a good afternoon and evening of skype and games and foie-gras!

friday we did alot of running around contacting and going to lessons and stuff! one of which is that we went door to door singing and praying for 45 minutes, and we got 3 lessons! it was sweet! 

sats was sick, got a couple good lessons, taught some cool people,

sunday was good, we finally managed to have Emmanuel, a less active come to church, and we had bouchaïb there too! our friend André was going to come but he got in late saturday night, but he was so determined he came after church :P and we taught him a lesson and gave him a tour fo the church! it was sick. we also taught a lady named julia that i taught with cramer when i first got to tours, and that went super well!

good week! good times!
happy new year! :)

Tours-at a distance
big baloon takeover...

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